Cannabis Clone Growth Stages: From Cutting to Harvest

July 30, 2024
Cannabis clone growth stages

Introduction: The Journey of a Cannabis Clone

Hey there, growth gurus! James Bean from here. Understanding the growth stages of your cannabis clones is crucial for providing the right care at the right time. In this guide, we’ll walk through each stage of a clone’s life cycle, from fresh cutting to bountiful harvest.

Overview of Cannabis Clone Life Cycle

  1. Rooting Stage
  2. Vegetative Stage
  3. Pre-Flowering Stage
  4. Flowering Stage
  5. Ripening Stage

Let’s dive into each of these stages in detail.

  1. Rooting Stage (1-2 weeks)

This is where your clone journey begins:

Characteristics: Fresh cutting with no roots

Care Needs

  • High humidity (70-80%)
  • Gentle light (CFL or low-intensity LED)
  • Rooting hormone application

Goals: Develop a strong root system

Pro Tip: Use a humidity dome and heating mat to create the perfect rooting environment.

  1. Vegetative Stage (3-16 weeks)

Once rooted, clones enter the vegetative growth phase:

Characteristics: Rapid leaf and stem growth

Care Needs:

  • 18-24 hours of light daily
  • Increased nutrients (focus on Nitrogen)
  • Regular pruning and training

Goals: Develop strong structure for future buds

Key Point: The length of this stage is flexible and determines final plant size.

  1. Pre-Flowering Stage (1-2 weeks)

The transition period between veg and flower:

Characteristics: Rapid growth (stretching), early pistil formation

Care Needs:

  • Switch to 12/12 light cycle
  • Adjust nutrients for flowering
  • Increase Phosphorus and Potassium

Goals: Prepare the plant for bud production

Important: This is your last chance for major training or pruning.

Marijuana clone growth stages

  1. Flowering Stage (6-12 weeks)

The main event—bud production:

Characteristics: Bud formation and swelling

Care Needs:

  • Maintain 12/12 light cycle
  • Adjust nutrients (lower N, higher P and K)
  • Monitor for hermaphroditism

Goals: Maximize bud size and resin production

Strain Dependent: Flowering time varies greatly between strains. Check our strain guide for specific information.

  1. Ripening Stage (1-2 weeks)

The final push before harvest:

Characteristics: Trichome maturation, possible color changes

Care Needs:

  • Flush nutrients
  • Maintain optimal environment
  • Monitor trichomes closely

Goals: Achieve peak potency and flavor

Crucial Decision: Timing your harvest in this stage greatly affects final product quality.

Monitoring Growth Stages

Tools for tracking progress:

  1. Grow journal
  2. Time-lapse camera
  3. Regular measurements (height, node spacing)

Stage-Specific Care Tips

Rooting Stage:

  • Use rooting gel or powder
  • Maintain high humidity
  • Avoid overwatering

Vegetative Stage:

  • Implement training techniques (LST, topping)
  • Gradually increase nutrient strength
  • Monitor for sex (remove any males)

Pre-Flowering Stage:

  • Support branches for future bud weight
  • Adjust environment for flowering (lower humidity)
  • Final pruning and lollipopping

Flowering Stage:

  • Weekly defoliation for better light penetration
  • Monitor for pests and mold closely
  • Adjust feeding for bloom phase

Ripening Stage:

  • Begin flushing 1-2 weeks before harvest
  • Reduce nitrogen to enhance flavor
  • Monitor trichomes for harvest readiness

Common Issues in Each Stage

Rooting Stage:

  • Damping off
  • Slow root development

Vegetative Stage:

  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Stretching

Flowering Stage:

  • Hermaphroditism
  • Bud rot

Conclusion: Mastering the Growth Cycle

Understanding these stages allows you to provide optimal care throughout your clone’s life cycle. Remember, while these stages are universal, the exact timing can vary based on strain and growing conditions.

At, we provide clones that are ready to thrive in your grow setup. Our expert-selected strains are chosen for their stability and performance through each growth stage.

Ready to start your growing journey with healthy, vigorous clones? Check out our clone selection and choose the perfect starting point for your next grow.

Happy growing, and may your clones flourish through every stage!

Written by James Bean

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